MARKETING MYTH #3:  “I’m too busy with clients to waste time interacting with prospects.”


Always look for new ways to get your key buyers to interact with you.  The more prospective buyers talk with you, the more opportunities you have to educate and lead them to see you as the solution to their problems—the path to a happier life.  Your dialogues can take place over the telephone, in your office, with your Webinar, by e-mail—anywhere you can deliver your Key Message.  The method of the meeting doesn’t matter as long as you and your key buyer carry on an engaging dialogue.

noOnce you identify who your Key Buyers are, before they will become your clients, you must overcome these four barriers:

  1. Don’t know you exist
  2. Haven’t gotten to know, like and trust you
  3. Lack of knowledge
  4. Hidden objections

You must precisely and persuasively craft your frequent interactions with them to overcome each of these objections in advance. Your goal over time is to set their buying criteria in your favor.