Our guest today will show you how to catapult your on-line presence into the limelight – how to attract a host of hot new prospects and turn them into loyal fans eager to do business with you.
Michael Peak is an Emmy Award winning television journalist who has branched into the world of internet marketing to help business owners and entrepreneurs grow their business. He applies his vast array of television skills to produce a WEB BLAST of compelling, persuasive, engaging videos to win higher rankings on search engines—higher rankings that immediately translate to more business.
Today the clients who use Michael’s video blast techniques are making millions of dollars per year in additional profits promoting themselves online. But most importantly, Michael is here today to teach you how YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
Debra-Sue: Michael, I’m so excited to have you as my guest today. I’m looking forward to learning from you over the next hour. Welcome to the call.
Michael: Thank you for have me here today. It’s really quite an honor. Thank you for having me as your guest.
Debra-Sue: You are welcome. Michael, why don’t we start with your story. How did you get involved in promoting businesses through video?
Michael: It goes all the way back when I first got started in television. When I was 19 years old, my first job was to carry around a 40lb tape recorder for $3 an hour. I worked my way up in television. After many years I was free lancing for video stations and began producing infomercials, basic commercials, investor videos, and demo videos—high end, broadcast quality videos.
Today I have found ways for people to get broadcast quality videos at an affordable rate and create a powerful video presence.
Debra-Sue: Why is having video on your website such a powerful medium for attracting clients?
Michael: This is only something I’ve discovered recently. About a year ago I discovered a way to increase traffic to your site just by using video. Most people want more traffic to their website. Google and the other search engines love video. If you have video, they will find you. The more places you put your video, the more Google sees you are all over the place and thinks you must be really important. They start ranking you really high and sending traffic your way.
Knowing this, I began adjusting my strategy to help people who could do something for their own site that is more modest and actually more effective than doing a big production.
Debra-Sue: This is really interesting. How do your videos get seen and multiplied all around the search engines?
Michael: When I work with my clients I have a process. We do a series of videos, 10-20 over a couple of days. Then I have a system for doing a web blast. I will up load them to 35 sites with videos, articles, podcasts, and blogs. On day 1 I blast the first one, day 2, the next one. And so forth. Google sees you have 35 videos and 35 new blog posts each day. Google says, wow, this person is really interesting. They can’t help but rank you really high because they are set up to see video. If you have so many videos, they have to see you.
You can do this 2-3-4 times and have it be very effective. We use the web blasting technology. There’s no effort on your part except to make the videos.
Debra-Sue: What if someone is inexperienced or shy in front of the camera –can you help them with that?
Michael: Yes, I have a background in NLP and hypnosis. I do a quick process and get them upbeat and ready. They used to call me “voodoo man’, affectionately of course.
Most people I work with now are not used to being in front of the camera. Over the years I have known the best of the best on camera. I know what they do to be really good on camera. I am really good at coaching people to get them over their fear and improve their presence in a very short time.
Debra-Sue: What you give them is a skill in presenting that will stay with them beyond the production of the videos. That’s a tremendous gift you are giving people to have that kind of speaking presence.
What I like about this approach is that it’s high tech and high touch. It’s much more compelling to see someone talking than to have a static picture or no picture at all. Listeners can see examples of this by visiting http://www.peaksmotionpictures.com/Demos.html. Michael, anyone can make a video, but how did you get that great ocean background?
Michael: I shot that in my living room in front of a green screen. Then I added the background. When you do videos in front of your laptop or webcam, they really look terrible. It lowers your status.
We want to make you an expert. When you do your web blast, it brands you as an expert. When you look really great, you are showing success. You wouldn’t believe the stuff I’ve seen in the background of people’s video. How much credibility do you have in that case? Not much. It’s all about credibility.
We can get traffic to your site, but that is just one part of it. The other big thing is to brand you as the expert. Then when someone does want your products and services, they will go to you because they see you as the expert.
Also, news media finds you. A lot of people contact me for my programs. I did a series of videos for my hypnosis business and had people calling me to speak at their events because NOW I am labeled as an expert. Whereas before, I did hypnosis but I wasn’t well know.
After your video blast, you will be the person people will call. When you put your videos out there, they stay out there. People will watch them and link to them and take the embedding code and put them on their site. You wind up all over the place.
Debra-Sue: This is really powerful. But you are right; the videos have to look good to have a professional impact.
What about their message? One of the things I do for my clients is to help them develop a message to attract leads and build rapport. How do you come up with the message that people will say on the video?
Michael: I used to write scripts but with these video blasts I don’t do a lot of writing for people because I want to keep the price down.
I give them a simple template to know what to say to build their credibility. They should ask themselves, what are the 10 most frequently asked questions? What 10 questions should people be asking? What objections must be overcome in advance?
Debra-Sue: This is something I can help your clients with, to come up with the script for their video blast. I can help them develop their content, with stories and hooks to engage their listeners. And how to add wow factors based on research. I have a system that is very cost-effective. I can help business owners who want to do your video blast and want some help with the script.
Michael: Some people are naturals in front of the camera, most people are not. Most people need a script. So we have a teleprompter—it’s very common to use them. You want to have all of your scripts down pat. So yes, they can work with you and get their script down pat and then upload it into the teleprompter.
Debra-Sue: What kind of results can they expect with their web blast?
Michael: That depends. You want it to be key word rich.
Let’s use a chiropractor as an example. If you just used the word ‘chiropractor’, there would be too many hits, too much competition. We have to put words together, such as ‘Denver treatment for backache’. I work with people on the key words because they need to get that right.
The title of your script will be key words, and the short description of your video is full of key words. We figure out a way to use key word combinations to get you high in the rankings.
It’s even more effectively locally because you can put in your location. For instance, Denver Life Coach. Let me guess there aren’t a lot of life coaches in Denver with a good looking video campaign. If I’m looking for a life coach, I want the person coaching me who looks successful in a professional looking video.
Most people don’t have the experience to know how to make a great looking video. For me, it’s really easy because it’s my expertise. I’m really good at making you look good on video.
Debra-Sue: If you’re going to make me look really good, I’m ready to sign up. I’d love to have really great videos to promote my business, and I’ll bet a lot of listeners will want that too.
You’ve developed a great technique of helping business owners get more clients. Even beyond the video is the knowledge you are teaching to help people become more persuasive.
Michael: I teach a course in persuasion that is on video. Your tonality is so important. On the phone, tonality makes up 80% and the words only 20%. In a video or in person, body language is 55% and tonality is 38%. One of the most important things is to have your voice go down. Practice that.
To become authoritative over the phone you want your voice to go down. You will have a more commanding presence and be seen an authority in your field.
To get the video will that will help you be more powerful in your tonality, visit http://www.peakmystique.com/. You will receive a free 30 minute video on how to do a hypnotic induction.
It’s great to offer something free through a video. It will raise your credibility and set you apart from your competition. With video you can have a chance to establish rapport and give people a good sense of what you’re all about. That speaks volumes.
Debra-Sue: By visiting your site our listeners can see your approach to building your business with video. You can help them do the same for their business.
What words of wisdom do you want to leave with your listeners?
Michael: Find someone one in your area to get the video done, or come to southern California and I will do them with you. When you get your videos done, I will help you do the video blast. Come find me and I will help you grow your business. It’s all about getting out there and making money.
Debra-Sue: Thank you Michael, that was incredibly informative. I encourage everyone to visit you at http://www.peaksmotionpictures.com/Demos.html . Or they can email you at mp@peaksmotionpictures.com or call you at 858-277-6328. They’ll be glad they did!