The Invitation

17, 24, 31

3 Mondays at Noon in January 2022

Cultivate Resilience

Achieve Your Peak Flow with
Your Personal Resilience Plan:

Supported by research, vetted by experience


Noon - 1:30pm Eastern

Live, Interactive, Online








Cultivate Resilience: Developing the Inner Capacity to Overcome Adversity

Cultivate Resilience Workshop

“Resilience is an individual or organization’s ability to overcome adversity and continue on a chosen path,
in order to thrive.”

– Glenn Sackett: Explorer, Nature Photographer




noon - 1:30 pm Eastern

Grounding, Boundaries and Inspiration

  • Acknowledging your Personal Resilience
  • Developing your Purpose Story
  • Discovering 3 Evergreen Energies to support and strengthen you
  • Practicing 3 powerful Resilience Tools you can use right away




noon - 1:30 pm Eastern

Achieving Peak FLOW

  • Cultivating the 4th Evergreen Energy (Hint: it has to do with relationships)
  • Overcoming setbacks with “Positive Adaptive Response”
  • Achieving FLOW for joy and fulfillment
  • Developing Keystone Habits for greater momentum, ease and connection




noon - 1:30 pm Eastern

Your Personal Resilience Plan

  • Exploring Awe and Beauty
  • Asking your questions and addressing your specific needs
  • Building your PERSONAL RESILIENCE PLAN for peace in body, mind and soul

Meet your guide, Debra Sofia

Living the Resilient Soul’s Journey

Debra Sofia Cope

Debra Sofia Cope is a 35-year Sufi practitioner in the Inayatiyya and the Ruhaniat Sufi Orders.  As a Charaga and Retreat Guide, she is dedicated to helping humanity remove the veils of separation and cultivate Inner Resilience to live their Soul’s Purpose

Drawing from insights from Kabbalah and the Divine Art of Alchemy, she guides you with breathing practices, sacred sound, and visualization to Awaken Your Inner Life

Frequently asked questions

Who is this for?

“Resilience is an individual or organization’s ability to overcome adversity and continue on a chosen path, in order to thrive.”  Glenn Sackett: Explorer, Chaplain, Nature Photographer

If you’re struggling to stay focused, positive, confident… or to release stuck emotions… or to bounce back after hurtful and discouraging events, then PLEASE join us.

We’ll be sharing research-backed mindfulness practices and tools that are proven to cultivate your ability to live with momentum, joy, harmony and connection.

What should I expect?

 “It’s not just our doing but our WHY that gives meaning and purpose in life.” – Glenn Sackett: Explorer, Chaplain, Nature Photographer

As human beings, we are more adaptable and resilient than we realize.  In this live, experiential workshop, behavioral science and professional experience have been woven together into a sustainable practice. By awakening to the true Nature of Resilience, you will cultivate inner harmony, confidence and stability: the foundation for a more peaceful world.

What's it based on?

Based on research, vetted by experience:

This series of workshops draws from the research of Dr. Bryan Sexton, MD, associate professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke’s School of Medicine. Bryan is an expert in teaching how to cultivate resilience: the ability to bounce back from life’s obstacles. His experiential, interactive programs have been taught to hundreds of thousands who live and work in high-stress situations.

Debra Sofia will lead you through a process of self-discovery and awareness to cultivate your inner resilience to life’s changing circumstances. This is how we can become the peace we wish to see in the world.

How will I benefit?

Discover your capacity to draw from the Wellspring, regardless of what life throws at you. You’ll acquire new tools to deal with disruptions, both personally and professionally.  With this training you’ll develop greater ease and harmony in your life, gain tools to withstand the most adverse conditions, and build your Personal Resilience Plan.

What is a Personal Resilience Plan?

Just like building your muscles when you consistently go to the gym, practicing resilience tools in times of calm prepares you for the storm. This is the purpose for building your Personal Resilience Plan.

To create a plan you can rely on, you’ll be prompted to consider what supports your mind and heart, body and soul. You’ll be working with three timeframes: Now, Today, and Keystone Habits. And you’ll draw from your workshop experience with Four Evergreen Energies: Grounding, Boundaries, Inspiration and Connection.

In essence, this process is founded in Self-discovery, Awareness and Love.

    Can I add private coaching?

    Yes, choose the option for a personal, one-hour private session with Debra Sofia. It’s a special offer with this workshop.

    Will it be recorded?

    Yes, this 3-Session Workshop will be recorded for your review. You can participate real-time or catch the recordings and follow along at a time that’s convenient for you.

    Using Journal Moments, Breakout Rooms and Group Reflections, we’ll share mindfulness practices and tools to cultivate personal and professional inner resilience to support you and your communities!

    Join Us for Three 90-min Sessions

    Downloadable Workbook Provided

    Cultivating Inner Resilience Workshop
    Kabbalah Sufism Sound Code

    “Wow! I really needed this now.  I wish we had more time for this.”

    – Most frequently heard comment about Debra Sofia’s workshop on Cultivating Inner Resilience for Peace


    How participants responded when asked,
    “What has been the most helpful part of the workshop?”

    “Creatively discussing solutions”

    I am grateful for your insights and words of encouragement. It was a wonderful experience; your energy is beautiful. The most helpful part was feeling heard and encouraged to express fears and concerns, and then creatively discussing solutions.

    “To look for a positive resolution”

    Thank you for focusing on us and allowing us to express ourselves. Learning to let go of things you can’t control but also to look for a positive resolution was the most helpful part.

    “Being grateful inspite of change”

    So thankful for the opportunity to be real and open up things that are uncomfortable for ways to overcome. The most helpful part was how to be grateful inspite of change.

    “The breathing practice”

    Enjoyed the sessions. The breathing practice in the beginning was the most helpful part. Very helpful tools.

    “Three Good Things”

    Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom and tools with us! The most helpful part was to focus on Three Good Things.

    “Mindful words”

    Very worthwhile. Talking about mindful words – putting a positive spin on conversations was the most helpful part.

    Join Us Now

    Choose whether you’d like to engage with us in the group Workshop only, or gift yourself with a 50-minute private session with Debra Sofia by choosing Workshop + Private Session:

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