Measure your marketing not by its cost, but by its Return On Investment.

Are you happy with the results of your marketing? 99% of business owners want MORE from their marketing dollars, time, and effort.

If that’s you, stay tuned… Over the next 7 posts I will explore with you 7 myths that stand in your way to getting the return on your marketing you deserve. Let’s start with the marketing myth I hear most frequently:

man wallMARKETING MYTH #1:  “The most important purpose of my marketing is to promote my services.”


The number one purpose of your marketing is to gain your Key Buyer’s TRUST. We simply don’t do business with people we don’t trust.  By “promoting” your services, you take on the persona of “salesperson” and undermine your credibility.  Selling-based marketing builds walls NOT bridges.

Instead, build rapport and position yourself as the leading authority using Education-Based Marketing.  This allows you to attract new clients, increase referrals, strengthen client loyalty and be seen as the expert—without being ‘salesy’.  Education-Based Marketing gives your Key Buyers what they want—the knowledge to make their best possible decision—and eliminates what they don’t want, a sales pitch.